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Heritage Commission Minutes 08/18/2011
August 18, 2011

Members Present: Bob McAnney, Dawn Marshall, Kate Rafferty-Hall, Lucille Noel, Michelle Plunkett

Members Excused:Faye McAnney, Jeff Jordan, Patty Humphrey, Barbara Frangione
July minutes accepted, motion by Kate and Dawn.

Patty received a response from Doug Hamel.  He only appraises Shaker Style Furniture.  He did suggest  someone from Austin’s Antiques that might help us.

Treasurer’s report
Dawn stated no change in account from last month.  
We did receive 2 more Preservation Alliance Handbooks.

Old Business

The “Historic Main Street” Brochure is complete!  It looks terrific.  The Commission worked very hard on compiling all the info.  Thank You to all.
The Brochure is now in our “kiosk” by the Grange Hall.

How do we get Main Street designated a “scenic by-way”?  (Pg 22 of handbook)
Dean Eastman (DOT 271-3344)
District 5 (485-9526)
Michelle will call to find out.

Michelle will ask Anne Lakeman about Outdoor Classroom walk.
“One Pane at Time” unveiled at OHD
Great response—cost is $20.00 per pane and $240.00 per window to repair.
Reminder to all who contribute—donations are tax deductible.
We discussed our “Bounds Walk”  Maybe in the fall.  We would like to work with Conservation Commission on this.

OHD Staffing
Kate and Lucille for set up
Michelle and Dawn arrive @ 9:00

New Business

Town Meeting:
Stone Wall Protection Warrant.  The DHR recommends a town ordinance for stone wall protection (Town owned roads).  Try to put on ballot for town meeting.

What roads would we like to see designated as “scenic-Bear Hill and Canterbury.

We will check with the Agricultural Commission on Barn Easements.

Next  meeting,
September 15th @ Town Library

Respectfully Submitted
Michelle Plunkett